Digitalization of lunch menu using Ki-Wi Player Light and SoC LCD displays
In the last few years, we have witnessed how digitalization processes penetrate all branches of human activity. Gastronomy included as well. Ki-Wi Digital, supplier of the software solution in digital signage, participated on the project of lunch menu digitalization in Beskydské uzeniny Chodura shops. Because it is an interesting project, let us take a closer look at it.
Beskydské uzeniny Chodura, operator of several buffets and canteens, had been using classic message boards with handwriting until recently.
As it was a time consuming and ineffective process, mainly when some of the dishes became unavailable during the day, company management decided to ask Balcom for a modern solution design and delivery. Balcom evaluated Ki-Wi Digital as the most fitting software solution for content digitalization which can use operation system of the displays and allows to set their operation time. This does not only save energy, but also prolongs the device’s lifespan.
Lunch menu digitalization in Beskydské uzeniny Chodura shops brought several technological challenges to the table. The whole solution had to run without constant Internet connection, content had to be played by software integrated directly in LCD displays and the whole system also had to allow the users to quickly change the content in a user friendly interface.
Ki-Wi Digital decided to use the combination of their Player Light and Google Firebase platform hosting the application. Ki-Wi Digital programmers also designed an administration interface for content editing and graphic design of the new lunch menu.
The result of development and implementation was an independent ecosystem using tablet connected to LCD displays. Employees can use it to prepare a whole list of meals for every day in a web browser. During the shift, as availability of meals changes, they can quickly change their combinations or the whole view.


- Jana Rafayova -